Gartcosh Aerial Panarama

Gartcosh Development Trust

Newsletter Issue #1 - October 2024

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STOP PRESS - We have purchased the Park!

Finally, Gartcosh Memorial Park is safely in the hands of the community.

The restoration work is set to begin next spring, with our primary focus over the winter being to secure funding and continue our fundraising efforts.

We have gathered valuable input through residents' questionnaires and drawings created by local children, which reflect the desires of different age groups and generations for the park. Although the area is just under half an acre, we are committed to making it the best it can be. However, we can’t do it without your support. We’re seeking volunteers for various tasks, including unskilled labour, as well as skilled and professional assistance. We also hope to encourage young people to get involved in this project.

Interested? Sign up here!

Launching our Local Place Plan

A Local Place Plan for Gartcosh & Mount Ellen is an opportunity for local residents in the community to have their say about future development in our area over a 5 or 10 year period. Your views will define the ideas, priorities and considerations that will make up the Plan.

Our Plan will influence planning policy and community sector services including investment by the public & private business in the future. Our Local Place Plan is a pathway and opportunity for communities to have their voice heard in the planning process ahead of developments and decisions that affect their area.

The Gartcosh & Mount Ellen Local Place Plan will highlight our local priorities and opinions topics such as:

  • Housing development
  • Infrastructure e.g., school
  • Community Amenities
  • Green space
  • Roads, active travel paths
  • Heritage
  • Economic opportunities
  • The Seven Lochs projects at Johnston Loch
  • Healthcare Access
  • Wildlife and Biodiversity preservation

It will be a live document to be referenced in decision making by statutory bodies, community groups, landowners and business.

The Plan will communicate the community's aspirations and vision of our area. We are starting the place plan consultation with 3 wishes.

The Coalfield Regeneration Trust run this survey - please fill it in here

Please get the views of all members of your household of all age groups (3 wishes for each person).

Gartcosh Memorial Park

In creating the Gartcosh Development Trust (GDT), our aim is to have an organisation that represented as many residents as possible, so our Board has membership from community organisations and can reach as many residents as possible. The GDT is also the right kind of organisation to hold community assets and to develop them.

Our community park has been our first initiative, and we have established the following targets and priorities:

Initial Objective:

To transform the area into a functional park featuring play equipment. The site encompasses half an acre, and we may need to implement the project in two phases due to the costs associated with installing and planning for play equipment suitable for a wide age range.

Phase 1 Targets:

  • Acquisition of the Park: Successfully purchased from the previous owners (completed).
  • Community Fundraising: Ongoing efforts to raise funds for the project.
  • Funding Opportunities: Identify funding sources that align with a one-year timeframe.
  • Site Preparation: Clear the area for development.
  • Installation of Play Equipment: Implement the first set of play equipment.
  • Ground Surface Installation: Ensure appropriate ground surfacing beneath the play equipment.
  • Seating Installation: Provide seating for visitors.
  • Low-Maintenance Planting: Incorporate low-maintenance planting in the landscape design.

Phase 2 Objectives:

  • Pathway Creation: Develop pathways throughout the park.
  • Additional Play Equipment: Install further play equipment to enhance recreational opportunities.
  • Biodiversity Preparation: Prepare areas for biodiversity elements, such as wild meadow planting.
  • Additional Seating: Provide more seating options for visitors.

Play Equipment is something that needs to be installed professionally along with the play surface, but to keep cost down there is work volunteers can do, for example:

  • Help lay paths
  • Create planting beds
  • Create or anchor position seating
  • Look at ground drainage.

If you are a local business, can you help us out with skills or advice?

For more information, please fill out the volunteer form

General Information

Here is a map of our bonded area, including the golf course land, allowing us to decide if we want housing development there. We've also marked land that may accommodate future housing. Sites highlighted in brown are part of the NLC development plan for new housing—some are already built, while others are still pending development.

Since these sites are designated for development, we've included them in our bonded area. You can provide feedback on land use during The Place Plan consultation process.

Stay Connected

Follow us on Facebook (link in Footer) or check out our website to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events.

Upcoming Events

  • Halloween: Thursday, 31st October
  • Christmas: Sunday, 8th December

For more details, keep an eye on our website or Facebook page.

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